Post by Mike EasterAptkit replaces aptdaemon, providing a streamlined library for
package management operations with updated functionality. Captain
unifies the features of GDebi and apturl into a single, easy-to-use
utility. All the tools previously reliant on aptdaemon, synaptic or
apturl now use these replacements.
Notice that neither Aptkit nor Captain is said to actually replace synaptic.
I'll have to take a look at all that to see how it suits me.
What I see in default LM 22.1 in available programs is mintinstall as
Software Manager which appears to be somewhat improved, but
unsatisfactory to me compared to Synaptic. Apparently Aptkit and
Captain are 'secret' tools, no man entry for either, no command line
action for sudo aptkit or sudo captain.
So, as far as I'm concerned, the default LM 22.1 is deficient in my kind
of package manager and needs an immediate installation of the synaptic
from the repo/s, which incidentally has never reached version 1 at
0.91.3build 4 Its package is 0.7 meg and it needs 3.2 meg diskspace.
mintinstall calls Captain a system package (like synaptic) and describes
it as a collection of apt tools, like the release notes. It is not
removable. Locate finds a number of captain files and a binary.
Locate finds a LOT more aptkit files, which apparently operates as a
python app. mintinstall has very little to say about it as a
description, only 'transaction based package manager'.
It seems to me that there isn't much negative about synaptic except the
negative generalities in the LM 22.1 release notes; and that it is still
being dev/d for Ub and Deb distro/s. Since I'm not a dev, I don't know
what is going on about the patches or the problems getting things to
work properly in such as Wayland or variations of DEs.
Mike Easter